In the same way that we make the decision to get a tattoo, at a given moment and for different reasons we can see ourselves in the need to resort to laser tattoo removal in Barcelona. We will solve all the frequent doubts.
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Reasons to remove laser tattoos in Barcelona
Let’s start by doing a quick analysis about the main reasons why we can consider the possibility of resorting to laser tattoo removal in Barcelona:
- after tattooing, in which case the work can be damaged.
- Need for a change: another reason that is also quite frequent is the fact that, over time, we end up getting bored with the same tattoos, which is why we choose to create new ones.
- Loss of color: over time, tattoos fade, at which point they have to be retouched or, directly, replaced with new ones.
- Allergy problems: this is perhaps one of the less frequent reasons, and it is that normally, if there are problems of allergy to ink, this will be observed in the initial tests, but in some very particular cases it develops after several years, inin which case we must proceed to its elimination for health reasons.
- Unwanted tattoo: this is one of the main reasons why many people resort to laser tattoo removal, and it is that at some point we may choose to make a tattoo that, later, is a regret forour part.
Frequently asked questions about laser tattoo removal in Barcelona
Now we are going to go on to solve some of the doubts and frequently asked questions that are transmitted to professionals before carrying out the process of laser tattoo removal in Barcelona.
Is it possible to remove a tattoo?
The obligatory question in the first place is always the one related to the possibilities of removing a tattoo.
It should be borne in mind that we currently have advanced systems at our disposal that offer us not only great efficiency when removing a tattoo, but also maximum safety, thus being able to act on practically any part of our body with Very good results.
Dangers of removing a tattoo by laser
It is also common for us to wonder if there is any kind of danger when removing a tattoo by laser, in which case we must understand that we are talking about a process that is aggressive, but the side effects are rare, and in the case of if any of them occurs, they will be transitory.
In any case, the important thing in these cases is to put ourselves in the hands of qualified and certified professionals, who will submit us to a series of sessions after which we will have to carry out maintenance and care of the treated area, with which, the possibilities that appear any side effects are minimal.
Among the most common symptoms we can include:
- Slight swelling
- Appearance of small bruises.
- Temporary discomfort in the area.
How long does it take to remove a tattoo
The time it takes to completely remove a tattoo is highly variable, since on the one hand it will depend on the type of tattoo that we are going to remove, while on the other hand our skin type and process will also be decisive in this.
The rougher skins will require more time, while the soft ones will suppose a faster process, which means that in the case of the first we will have to undergo more sessions.
From this we can obtain that the number of sessions will also vary depending on the area on which we are going to act, since the skin of the face for example is thinner than the skin of the hands.
The most representative factors for the number of sessions and time required will be:
- Characteristics of the skin.
- Particularities of the tattoo.
- Place where the tattoo is located.
- Metabolism of the patient who wants to remove the tattoo.
- Pigments used in the realization of the tattoo.
- Depth of the tattoo.
Either way, as a general rule, it is usually possible to finish the tattoo between three and up to eight sessions, requiring some additional on very rare occasions.
Most complicated areas of the body when removing a tattoo.
The ankles and wrists are the most difficult areas, passing to the rest of the extremities.
The simplest or fastest parts would be those located near the neck, armpits and groin, since in all of them there are a greater number of lymph nodes, so the process is accelerated.
Duration of tattoo removal sesión
As for the duration of each session, it will depend on the system used, the size of the tattoo and the characteristics of the skin as well as those of the tattoo itself.
We generally speak of sessions of between 15 minutes and up to 30 minutes for larger tattoos.
Time between laser sessions
This will also vary depending on each patient, but the usual thing is to carry out sessions in terms of no less than two months.
The reason why the sessions are separated so much is twofold:
- It is very important to ensure the perfect healing and curing of the area before undergoing a new session, thus avoiding side effects and discomfort.
- We need time to allow the body itself to remove the ink residue.
How long does it take for the tattoo to completely disappear and how does the skin look?
Even if we have undergone all the sessions, it will still take a certain time for the tattoos to disappear completely and the area to be perfectly recovered, since it is a progressive process for which we must have patience.
Is it more difficult to remove black or colors?
The colors are more complicated, and in fact, depending on each case, we may have to resort to different systems.
The most difficult color to remove in tattoos is green.
Re-tattoo the area where the tattoo was removed
It is also quite frequent that we consider the possibility of eliminating an old tattoo that we don´t like, it does not have the importance it had in its day or for any other reason, to place a new one on it.
In this case we will not have any problem in re-tattooing the area, although of course it is very important that we give enough time for the skin to have fully recovered from the removal process.
Is laser tattoo removal in Barcelona a painful process?
It is not a particularly painful process, although it must be taken into account that we may notice slight discomfort in the area that is being treated.
Steps for laser tattoo removal in Barcelona
Before proceeding to remove a tattoo, its characteristics should be studied well, thus choosing the most effective system that offers the best guarantees.
In this sense, the location of the tattoo, the colors that have been used, the type of tattoo and experience of the tattoo artist, the skin tone and of course it is also an important factor to know its age.
It is very important that we comply with the professional’s recommendations, so that in the previous weeks we must avoid:
- Consumption of anti-inflammatories, stomach protectors and antibiotics among other medications.
- We will avoid sunbathing at least two weeks before.
If we have any questions, the best we can do is consult with the specialist to resolve them and, in this way, improve the conditions to minimize the inconvenience of the process.
It must be taken into account that the process we are going to undergo is based on fragmenting the pigment particles that we have under the skin, so that the body can eliminate them much more easily through absorption and subsequent lymphatic drainage.
We make a first appointment where we will undergo the process, after which an antibiotic ointment is applied in addition to covering the area for protection.
Once we get home, we will have to carry out the treatments and maintenance that the professional has indicated.
When the necessary time has elapsed, we will proceed to a new session, repeating the entire process until all of them are completed.
Care after each laser sesión
It should be borne in mind that the process of laser tattoo removal in Barcelona does not end after the session, but once we get home we will have to proceed with the cures and maintenance that will generally consist of the following:
- If the area becomes red, there is discomfort or swelling appears, we must apply cold.
- We will not scratch or rub the treated area.
- The treated area must be washed daily, for which we will use water and neutral soap. We will not use sponges and when drying we will simply press with the towel avoiding dragging.
- Twice a day we will apply regenerating cream.
- We will also have to apply an ointment treatment during the first days.
A very important tip to keep in mind is that, during the days after the process, we must do everything possible to avoid being in areas with high temperatures, we will not sunbathe and, when showering or bathing, we will opt for warm water, being better if we use cold water directly.
What systems exist to remove laser tattoos Barcelona
In total we can highlight eight laser tattoo removal systems in Barcelona, which are:
- CO2 laser.
- Pulsed dye laser.
- Syneron Candela Picoway laser.
- Sublabative fractional lasers.
- Wavelength 1064 nm.
- Wavelength of 532 nm.
- Intense Pulsed Light.
- Nd: YAG Q- Switched
These are the most common questions and answers that we need to know before undergoing the laser tattoo removal process in Barcelona, so that you can go easy and proceed in this way with the maximum guarantees and best possible results.
Tattoo removal prices
The price of removing tattoos depends on many factors:
The size or color of the tattoo
To make an initial assessment, we must proceed to see the size of the tattoo or tattoos to be removed and the approximate sessions that will be necessary.
The first visit to Avantgarde is free, unlike other companies that are dedicated to removing tattoos and which usually cost between € 30.
The price of the treatment
The sessions at Avantgarde are priced between 50 and 100 euros depending on the size and the sessions that will have to be given. Reviews will also be carried out that will cost € 20 for each one, where we will review the status of the tattoo and its removal.
Creams to aid healing when removing a tattoo
We should note that tattoo removal treatments leave their mark on the skin and with certain specific creams we will improve the healing process. There are many creams and you can even make healing creams, at home:
Homemade option
A homemade healing ointment can be made with a plant called persicaria, this plant has healing and anti-inflammatory properties and in this way it favors the healing process and reduces the pain that we will have after having applied the laser.
Bought option
Micro perforated protective film is an ideal cream for the subsequent care of tattoo removal, with this cream we can keep the area clean where we eliminate the germs tattoo and preventing any friction from affecting the area where we have proceeded to remove the tattoo.
From Avantgarde we recommend using the first dressing of the protective film during the first 12-24 hours and replacing it with another dressing for a maximum of 3 days.
Roche posay – Cicaplast baume
In this case, we are talking about a repairing, antibacterial, restorative and anti-inflammatory cream for all audiences, from the smallest to the most adult. It is a hypoallergenic cream and suitable for sensitive skin. It is indicated for the care of scars, both when we get a tattoo, and when we remove it.
Regarding the application of the cream that we must follow is, 2 times a day in the area in which we have tattooed or removed the tattoo, it is important to note that we should not apply it on an open wound in which we have blood.
ISDIN Cicapost
ISDIN Cicapost provides us with a healing cream with an ingredient such as gotu kola, rosehip and vitamin E together with dexpanthenol.
This cream will help us to soften the scar, relieve itching, improve the elasticity of the skin and reduce pigmentation. Like the previous cream mentioned, it is recommended to help the proper healing of a tattoo or a session to remove the tattoo.
In this case, it is applied 3 times a day and never on open wounds.
Social Security does not cover tattoo removal
Although the Social Security covers some operations of an aesthetic nature, some extreme cases, the tattoo removal operation would not fall within those they accept because it is considered an operation for aesthetic purposes. Similarly, mutuals also don’t cover tattoo removal.