Avantgarde Tatto ResidentPrefered Styles: sketch, blackwork, graphic, abstract, minimalistHis style could be defined as in continuous movement, a constant search for his own personal language that nourishes itself from innumerable sources.
Luis has been drawing since childhood, he studied Fine Arts and over the years his interests focused on different forms of expression, from comic and illustration to hyperrealistic drawing through pop art, expressionism, cubism, abstract, art brut and urban art, but always trying to include in everything he did his own personality and vision, since he considers that art should never be subject to fixed rules.
The tattoo world offered him a new kind of expressive support, a canvas with its own composition that starts from it’s own beauty lines that he likes to respect and to which he tries to adapt to. In general, his pieces are black works with, sometimes, a color note added. A constant search for something new and untaggable but based on the techniques and philosophy of traditional tattoo.
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